Wednesday 6 October 2010

Short walks

Other committments have left less time for walking than normal. Most walks recently have been of around 5km, but up and down hill and over some rough ground. However short walks are better than no walks and we have enjoyed ourselves. It will soon be time to try out our new boots. Terry does not think that his will do another Camino and although mine are not as well worn a new pair seemed sensible. Same style, so hopefully we'll have no problems. Then we'll finish most of our training in the older pairs.


  1. Funny you should mention short walks being better than none! I've been reading some running mags lately and a lot of them are advising for marathon training not to get to hung up on the long distances, but to be consistent in just doing your runs. So I guess that would apply as well for Camino training. 'Cause at the moment...short walks are about all I'm going to be able to get in either! you've got me going and examining my boot!

  2. Boots are so important aren't they! It is the insides we are watching; linings - especially for wear around the little toe area and the heel area of the inner soles
    T & V.
