Monday, 26 March 2012

The Ancient Trackway

Across the field and down between steep banks
This ancient trackway runs. A way worn deep
Into the very bedrock of the land
By many iron shod hoofs and wheels and feet.

Who knows but what there may have passed this way,
The Celtic warrior armed with shield and spear,
Leaving behind his loved ones safe at home
Within the castle dike on hilltop near.

Who knows how many of the folk of old
Briton and Roman, Angle, Saxon, Dane:
With horse and hound, chariot, cart and sledge
Helped form this treasure of a country lane.

The ruined longhouse, roofless now, lies near
Above the river, in its valley green.
Once men and women, children, all lived here
Made tears and laughter part of this dear scene.

All, all are gone now, silence reigns within
The woodland copse and by the riverside.
Here can I stand and listen for the past
To speak to me with voices time can't hide.

The track worn down with countless wheels and feet,
The fallen walls, the ford across the stream.
The life once lived here lives again for me,
And modern life becomes the unreal dream.

©Tio Tel 2012

With thanks to ksam for the comment at Feb 7th which inspired me

March walks

We are enjoying the warm, dry weather and continue to walk 10km - 15km with at least part packs. The various sights include an old railway bridge with its makers plate and the early daffodils by the stream.
School holidays will soon be with us, so less walking while looking after grandchildren. Then it will be back to training walks again.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Spring is coming

We have managed a good number of walks over the past few weeks, with a 15km one today and full packs again. It was warm enough to walk in shirts, without fleeces and the snowdrops are out. Spring is coming, or it was until about mid afternoon when the mist rolled in and the temperature dropped. At least we were home by then as we couldn't see the hills behind our house.

Cromwell's Arch:
gateway to the old Priory

Hens enjoying the sunshine

A beautiful double rainbow

and now the snowdrops