Thursday, 29 April 2010

Return to the Camino 2010

Our training is done, our rucksacks are packed, we are ready to go, and it is raining!! However we are not planning any-more long walks before we go. Expecting the weather to improve again by the time the ferry reaches Santander.
So the family are left at home to 'hold the fort' and this blog is 'on hold'.
A record of our time on the Camino this year will be posted at Return to the Camino

Monday, 26 April 2010

Hills and woods

The final long walk of our training - 10km over fairly strenuous terrain. Harder than the Camino according to Terry, with steeper hills and rougher underfoot in places. He says I can be pleased with myself and should be able to manage the chosen stretch of the Camino from Oviedo easily now. We only plan short walks for the rest of the week, just enough to keep us from seizing up.
While we are on the Camino we (or the family) will be posting on Return to the Camino so that you can follow our progress.


The causeway shows how muddy/wet this track can be. It is still needed in spite of a long dry spell.

The view across the valley to where we need to walk

Early purple orchids

A Violet Oil Beetle

Sunday, 25 April 2010


Having been to church this morning we only had time for a short walk (5km) today. Down the road, across the fields, up the hill and through the woods. The first bluebells are just begining to flower. A sharp shower gave me the chance to actually put my poncho on for the first time while walking. Fine, I really like it. We just made it home before it really rained!

Saturday, 24 April 2010


We set off from Dartmeet at 10.30 to walk first along the Dart, then over the moorland to Bellever for lunch. The first hour was very slow over rough ground but then improved. We saw ponies, one with a very new wobbly foal suckling. Clapper bridges, stepping stones and hills were all in the morning's walk - 9km in two hours.

Dartmoor - more photos

After a picnic lunch at Bellever we continued our walk up a steep track, then downhill on another steep path. Parts again were very rough - plus a set of stepping stones for giants. More a case of 'jump' not step. Then more 'uphill-downhill' across moorland. We came back near the river on a wide grass track, finally completing 15.5km at 3.30 with a café con leche at the restaurant by the car park.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Through the woods

This morning's walk was mainly through the woods. The final hill up to the road was steeper than it looks here, especially just at the top. A beautiful day, but a chilly wind. Lovely in the woods with wood anenomes coming into flower.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Across the fields

Out again today, walking across the fields this time and over the old canal bridge. Again Terry says this reminds him of the Primitivo, including the view of the moors in the distance. We also had a café con leche at a farm's cafe near the canal and watched the Sand Martins nest building in the river bank

Monday, 19 April 2010


The paths and bridleways have finally dried up enough to be walkable again. Parts are rough and stony, like some of the Camino Primitivo. There are some useful gates on this stretch rather than stiles to climb over. A welcome change!

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Back in training

We have been up and about early for the past 10 days, but not walking far. However today we did 7km round the village lanes, to get back into practice, without any problem.
We are just so glad that we are travelling by ferry to Spain and do not have the worry that others have over postponed/cancelled flights.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Return to the Camino

The time for our departure for Spain is drawing near and we will record our time there on a new blog Return to the Camino. We will continue to write about our training and preparations here too, so 'watch both spaces'.

We have continued to walk over Easter, averaging nicely over 4km per hour when on the lanes. Looking after our grandchildren during the school holidays means we will be walking less for a couple of weeks, but will be good practise for early mornings!