Most walks this past week have been on the road and only about 5.5km. Despite snow again yesterday and today we have been able to walk on both days. Today's walk was back up to 7km and I was carrying my full weight rucksack.
We have finally been able to go 'off road' and walk one of the local tracks. Although very wet it was not too muddy. Part of the track follows the ancient sunken road past an old longhouse site near the river, now a ruin.
The sunken road
Low cloud drifting up the valley, along the river.
Half way through January and we have finally been able to start walking again, although having to use the side roads rather than the paths. There was still some snow around earlier this week on the hilltops.
The snow and ice have now gone and it was pleasant walking yesterday (4km)and today (7.5km). Now we need some fine weather to allow for longer walks, preferably along the local tracks.